Xbox 360 Emulator For PC – Windows 10/7/8/8.1/XP & Mac

Xbox 360 Emulator For PC windows is an app which lets you to play Xbox 360 games on PC. It was manufactured by Microsoft and is one of the best video game console.

It is an open source software which allows you to play xbox 360 games for pc. It is capable of playing almost 50 Xbox 360 titles at high speed. You can easily play Xbox 360 title at 6ofps.

Features Of This Xbox 360 Emulator For PC Windows

  1. It is available free for PC. So, you don’t need to worry about paying.
  2. It can give you 25+fps with great framerate.
  3. It has resume and pause feature. [Will help you to load your game faster]
  4. Supports Nvidia and Radeon GPUs.


How to Install Xbox 360 Emulator For PC

  1. Firstly, download the file from the link.
  2. Download and extract it using WinRAR.
  3. Make sure you have Net Framework 4.0. If you don’t have that then please install it.
  4. Now install Xbox 360 emulator for pc.
  5. Run Box Emulator and enter the serial given on your Xbox.
  6. Select the available Bios.
  7. Select the ISO file.

You have done all the necessary steps in order to play this XBOX 360 Emulator for pc. Enjoy!